O Central The Center of the Universe

Welcome, I am the Narrator. I have been given this task of documenting and logging centuries of information and events that alters the world in which I live and till now it has been an uneventful and dull existence for my idea of life and all its complications is the same as everyone else’s. For all my work and toil it would remain on the shelf left to the decay of dust and ignorance. My collection of works would have marched down the dull road of stagnant duplicates and never-ending remakes of the same boring story-lines, images and rhetoric compilation of words and phrases.
I per-chance one day to gaze up into the sky where God resides and behold a vortex opened and I beheld a being of complicated simplicity emerging. Like a frighten child it step into my world. What was it? Where did it come from? Why was it here? Why did it land in my house? Sixteen years of cultivation gone in the blink of an eye. There was not a mark on my body. Am I asleep or awake? The vortex was still open and in it I saw darkness beyond comprehension. My heart stopped and I awoke, gasping covered in sweat. The room was a shambles. Books and papers from my night table were everywhere but there was no one else. It was just ...a dream.